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Описание бафов
Buffs/Debuffs Effects
Type Effect(s)
Acumen 1 Casting Spd. +15%
Acumen 2 Casting Spd. +23%
Acumen 3 Casting Spd. +30%
Advanced Block 1 Shield P.Def. +60%
Advanced Block 2 Shield P.Def. +80%
Advanced Block 3 Shield P.Def. +100%
Agility 1 Evasion +2
Agility 2 Evasion +3
Agility 3 Evasion +4
Angelic Icon 1 P.Def. +50%, M.Def. +50%, Accuracy +6, Speed +10, Atk. Spd. +10%, HP restored from heals -80%
With Fist or any kind of Blunt: Critical Damage +33%
With Polearm or any kind of Sword: Critical +33
With other weapons, only Speed is raised.
Angelic Icon 2 P.Def. +50%, M.Def. +50%, Accuracy +6, Speed +20, Atk. Spd. +20%, HP restored from heals -80%
With Fist or any kind of Blunt: Critical Damage +66%
With Polearm or any kind of Sword: Critical +66
With other weapons, only Speed is raised.
Angelic Icon 3 P.Def. +50%, M.Def. +50%, Accuracy +6, Speed +30, Atk. Spd. +30%, HP restored from heals -80%
With Fist or any kind of Blunt: Critical Damage +100%
With Polearm or any kind of Sword: Critical +100
With other weapons, only Speed is raised.
Arcane Chaos Cancel+Debuff resistance -30%, Magic MP Cost +30%, Base MP Regen per tick -24
Arcane Disruption 1+ Casting Spd. -23%
Arcane Protection Cancel resistance +30%, Debuff resistance +20%
Armor Crush P.Def. -30%, M.Def. -30%
Assassin Servitor Accuracy +4, Atk Speed +20%, Recover 5% of melee physical damage as HP, Critical +20% from behind, Critical Damage from behind +20%, Debuff Resistance +10%
Attack Aura 1 P.Atk. +8%
Attack Aura 2 P.Atk. +12%
Aura Flare All Magic Damage -50%, this includes the Aura you cast to get the debuff
Battle Roar 1 HP +10%, heals the amount added
Battle Roar 2 HP +15%, heals the amount added
Battle Roar 3 HP +20%, heals the amount added
Battle Roar 4 HP +25%, heals the amount added
Battle Roar 5 HP +30%, heals the amount added
Battle Roar 6 HP +35%, heals the amount added
Bear Spirit Totem Speed -30%
Only if Fists are equipped: P.Atk. +20%, Critical Damage +20%
Berserker Spirit 1 P.Atk. +5%, M.Atk. +10%, P.Def. -5%, M.Def. -10%, Evasion -2, Speed +5, Atk. Spd +5%, Casting Spd. +5%
Berserker Spirit 2 P.Atk. +8%, M.Atk. +16%, P.Def. -8%, M.Def. -16%, Evasion -4, Speed +8, Atk. Spd +8%, Casting Spd. +8%
Bison Spirit Totem At 60% or less HP - P.Atk. +43%, Accuracy +6, Critical +100
At 30% or less HP - Critical changes from +100 to +400.
Blazing Skin 1 Reflect 10% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Blazing Skin 2 Reflect 15% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Blazing Skin 3 Reflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Bless Shield 1 Shield Block Rate +30%
Bless Shield 2 Shield Block Rate +40%
Bless Shield 3 Shield Block Rate +50%
Bless Shield 4 Shield Block Rate +60%
Bless Shield 5 Shield Block Rate +70%
Bless Shield 6 Shield Block Rate +80%
Bless the Body 1 HP +10%
Bless the Body 2 HP +15%
Bless the Body 3 HP +20%
Bless the Body 4 HP +25%
Bless the Body 5 HP +30%
Bless the Body 6 HP +35%
Bless the Soul 1 MP +10%
Bless the Soul 2 MP +15%
Bless the Soul 3 MP +20%
Bless the Soul 4 MP +25%
Bless the Soul 5 MP +30%
Bless the Soul 6 MP +35%
Blessing of Noblesse This buff falls on death but none of your other buffs do
Blessing of Queen 1 Critical +25%, Critical Damage +20%
Blessing of Queen 2 Critical +27%, Critical Damage +22%
Blessing of Queen 3+ Critical +30%, Critical Damage +25%
Blessing of Sagittarius Physical Skill Reuse Delay - ?
Blessing of Seraphim 1 MP regen per tick +30%
Blessing of Seraphim 2 MP regen per tick +32%
Blessing of Seraphim 3+ MP regen per tick +35%
Blessings of Pa'agrio 1 P.Def. +8%
Blessings of Pa'agrio 2 P.Def. +12%
Blessings of Pa'agrio 3 P.Def. +15%
Blinding Blow Speed +40
Blizzard Speed -45%
Block Shield P.Def. -10%
Block Wind Walk Speed -10%
Body of Avatar 1 HP +10%
Body of Avatar 2 HP +15%
Body of Avatar 3 HP +20%
Body of Avatar 4 HP +25%
Body of Avatar 5 HP +30%
Body of Avatar 6 HP +35%
Bright Servitor 1 M.Atk. +55%
Bright Servitor 2 M.Atk. +65%
Bright Servitor 3 M.Atk. +75%
Chant of Battle 1 P.Atk. +8%
Chant of Battle 2 P.Atk. +12%
Chant of Battle 3 P.Atk. +15%
Chant of Eagle 1 Accuracy +2
Chant of Eagle 2 Accuracy +3
Chant of Eagle 3 Accuracy +4
Chant of Evasion 1 Evasion +2
Chant of Evasion 2 Evasion +3
Chant of Evasion 3 Evasion +4
Chant of Fire 1 M.Def. +15%
Chant of Fire 2 M.Def. +23%
Chant of Fire 3 M.Def. +30%
Chant of Flame 1 Casting Spd. +15%
Chant of Flame 2 Casting Spd. +23%
Chant of Flame 3 Casting Spd. +30%
Chant of Fury 1 Atk. Spd. +15%
Chant of Fury 2 Atk. Spd. +33%
Chant of Predator 1 Critical +20%
Chant of Predator 2 Critical +25%
Chant of Predator 3 Critical +30%
Chant of Protection Received Critical Damage -30%
Chant of Rage 1 Critical Damage +30%
Chant of Rage 2 Critical Damage +32.5%
Chant of Rage 3 Critical Damage +35%
Chant of Revenge 1 Reflect 10% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Chant of Revenge 2 Reflect 15% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Chant of Revenge 3 Reflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Chant of Shielding 1 P.Def. +8%
Chant of Shielding 2 P.Def. +12%
Chant of Shielding 3 P.Def. +15%
Chant of Spirit Cancel resistance +30%, Debuff resistance +20%
Chant of Vampire 1 Recover 6% of melee physical damage as HP
Chant of Vampire 2 Recover 7% of melee physical damage as HP
Chant of Vampire 3 Recover 8% of melee physical damage as HP
Chant of Vampire 4 Recover 9% of melee physical damage as HP
Chant of Victory HP +20%, restores the HP added, Speed -20%, Accuracy +4, P.Def. +20%, P.Atk. +10%, M.Atk. +20%, Atk. Spd. +20%, Critical +20%, Critical Damage +20%, M.Def. +20%, Casting Spd. +20%, Debuff Resistance +20%
Charm of Luck Reduce Drop Penalty
Clarity 1 Skill MP Consumption -4%
Clarity 2 Skill MP Consumption -8% on the second cost only (There are 2 seperate times when a skill uses mp - when you use it and when it is finally cast. Clarity acts only on the second cost)
Clarity 3 Skill MP Consumption -10%
Concentration 1 Chance of casting interruption -18%
Concentration 2 Chance of casting interruption -25%
Concentration 3 Chance of casting interruption -36%
Concentration 4 Chance of casting interruption -42%
Concentration 5 Chance of casting interruption -48%
Concentration 6 Chance of casting interruption -53%
Cripple 1-5 Speed -30%
Cripple 6+ Speed -45%
Curse Chaos 1 Accuracy -12
Curse Chaos 2+ Accuracy -13
Curse Disease 1+ Amount restored from Heals -50%
Curse Gloom M.Def. -23%
Curse of Abyss M.Atk. -30%, P.Def. -30%, Evasion -6, Speed -10%, Casting Spd. -20%, Magic Critical Rate -30%
Curse of Doom Physical+Magical Skill Silence
Curse of Shade 1 P.Def. -6%, M.Def. -6%
Curse of Shade 2 P.Def. -8%, M.Def. -8%
Curse of Shade 3+ P.Def. -10%, M.Def. -10%
Curse: Weakness 1 P.Atk. -17%
Curse: Weakness 2-5 P.Atk. -20%
Curse: Weakness 6+ P.Atk. -23%
Dance of Aqua Guard Resistance to Water attribute +30%
Dance of Concentration Casting Spd. +30%, Chance of casting interruption -30%
Dance of Earth Guard Resistance to Earth attribute +30%
Dance of Fire Critical Damage +35%
Dance of Fury Atk. Spd. +15%
Dance of Inspiration Accuracy +4
Dance of Light Makes physical attacks Holy attribute
Dance of Medusa Petrify
Dance of Mystic M.Atk. +20%
Dance of Protection Fall damage -30%
Dance of Shadow Speed -50%, Avoid Agro 100%
Dance of Siren Magic Critical Rate +200%
Dance of Vampire Recover 8% of melee physical damage as HP
Dance of Warrior P.Atk. +12%
Dark Vortex Base MP Regen per tick -12, Resistance to Darkness attribute -30%
Dash 1 Speed +40
Dash 2 Speed +66
Dead Eye 1 P.Atk. +124, Accuracy +1, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +20%
Dead Eye 2 P.Atk. +134, Accuracy +1, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +20%
Dead Eye 3 P.Atk. +145, Accuracy +2, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +20%
Dead Eye 4 P.Atk. +155, Accuracy +2, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +20%
Dead Eye 5 P.Atk. +166, Accuracy +2, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +20%
Dead Eye 6 P.Atk. +177, Accuracy +3, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +20%
Dead Eye 7 P.Atk. +188, Accuracy +3, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +20%
Dead Eye 8 P.Atk. +199, Accuracy +3, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +20%
Death Whisper 1 Critical Damage +30%
Death Whisper 2 Critical Damage +32.5%
Death Whisper 3 Critical Damage +35%
Decrease Weight 1 Weight Penalty +3000 (does not increase capacity)
Decrease Weight 1 Weight Penalty +6000 (does not increase capacity)
Decrease Weight 1 Weight Penalty +9000 (does not increase capacity)
Defense Aura 1 P.Def. +8%
Defense Aura 2 P.Def. +12%
Deflect Arrow 1 Bow Damage -16%
Deflect Arrow 2 Bow Damage -24%
Deflect Arrow 3 Bow Damage -32%
Deflect Arrow 4 Bow Damage -40%
Demon Wind Amount restored from Heals -50%
Demonic Blade Dance 1-3 P.Atk. -10%, M.Atk. -10%
Demonic Blade Dance 4-5 P.Atk. -15%, M.Atk. -15%
Demonic Blade Dance 6-7 P.Atk. -20%, M.Atk. -20%
Demonic Blade Dance 8-9 P.Atk. -25%, M.Atk. -25%
Demonic Blade Dance 10 P.Atk. -30%, M.Atk. -30%
Divine Protection Resistance to Darkness attribute +30%
Duelist Spirit 1 Atk. Spd. +8%, PVP damage + ?
Duelist Spirit 2 Atk. Spd. +12%, PVP damage + ?
Earth Chant 1 P.Def. +5%, does not stack with Greater Might or War Chant.
Earth Chant 2 P.Def. +10%, does not stack with Greater Might or War Chant.
Earth Chant 3 P.Def. +15%, does not stack with Greater Might or War Chant.
Elemental Protection Resistance to Fire attribute +30%, Resistance to Wind, Water, Earth attributes +20%
Empower 1 M.Atk. +55%
Empower 2 M.Atk. +65%
(Greater) Empower 3 M.Atk. +75%
Entangle 1 Speed -30%
Entangle 2+ Speed -45%
Evade Shot 1 Evasion +6
Eye of Pa'agrio Critical Damage +35%
Fell Swoop Polearm Arc + ?
Final Servitor HP +20%, restores the HP added, Speed -20%, Accuracy +4, P.Def. +20%, P.Atk. +10%, Atk. Spd. +20%, Critical +20%, Critical Damage +20%, M.Def. +20%, Casting Spd. +20%, Debuff Resistance +20%
Fire Vortex Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. -30%, Casting Spd. -10%, MP Regen per tick -12, Resistance to Fire attribute -20%, Resistance to Water attribute + ?%
Focus 1 Critical +20%
Focus 2 Critical +25%
Focus 3 Critical +30%
Focus Attack 1-2 Accuracy +3, Critical Damage +10-15%, Polearm can hit only 1 target
Focus Attack 3 Accuracy +4, Critical Damage +?, Polearm can hit only 1 target
Focus Attack 4 Accuracy +5, Critical Damage +?, Polearm can hit only 1 target
Focus Attack 5 Accuracy +?, Critical Damage +?, Polearm can hit only 1 target
Focus Chance Critical Chance from front -30%, Critical Chance from side +30%, Critical Chance from back +60%. This includes the "blow" series of skills.
Focus Death Critical -30%, Blow land rate +60%, Critical Damage from front -30%, Critical Damage from back +90%
Focus Power Critical Damage from front -30%, Critical Damage from side +30%, Critical Damage from back +60%
Fortune of Noblesse drop penalty reduced
Freezing Skin 1 Reflect 10% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Freezing Skin 2 Reflect 15% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Freezing Skin 3 Reflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Freezing Strike 1+ Speed -30%
Frenzy 1 With Sword, Polearm or Blunt: P.Atk. +100%
With 2hs/2hb: Accuracy +4, P.Atk. +150.26%
With other weapon: P.Atk. +30%
Frenzy 2 With Sword, Polearm or Blunt: P.Atk. +149.76%
With 2hs/2hb: Accuracy +4, P.Atk. +199.55%
With other weapon: P.Atk. +30%
Frenzy 3 With Sword, Polearm or Blunt: P.Atk. +246.38%
With 2hs/2hb: Accuracy +6, P.Atk. +301.95%
With other weapon: P.Atk. +50%
Frost Bolt 1+ Speed -30%
Gift of Queen 1 P.Atk. +6%, Accuracy +2
Gift of Queen 2 P.Atk. +8%, Accuracy +2
Gift of Queen 3+ P.Atk. +10%, Accuracy +2
Gift of Seraphim 1 Reuse Delay -30%
Gift of Seraphim 2 Reuse Delay -32%
Gift of Seraphim 3+ Reuse Delay -35%
Glory of Pa'agrio 1 M.Def. +15%
Glory of Pa'agrio 2 M.Def. +23%
Glory of Pa'agrio 3 M.Def. +30%
Greater Magic Haste Potion Casting Spd. +30%
Greater Might 1 P.Atk. +4%, does not stack with Greater Shield or Earth Chant.
Greater Might 2 P.Atk. +7%, does not stack with Greater Shield or Earth Chant.
Greater Might 3 P.Atk. +10%, does not stack with Greater Shield or Eart Chant.
Greater Shield 1 P.Def. +5%, does not stack with Greater Might or War Chant.
Greater Shield 2 P.Def. +10%, does not stack with Greater Might or War Chant.
Greater Shield 3 P.Def. +15%, does not stack with Greater Might or War Chant.
Greater Quick Step Potion Speed +33
Greater Swift Attack Potion Atk. Spd. +33%
Guidance 1 Accuracy +2
Guidance 2 Accuracy +3
Guidance 3 Accuracy +4
Guts 1 P.Def. +100%
Guts 2 P.Def. +150%
Guts 3 P.Def. +200%
Hamstring 1+ Speed -45%
Hamstring Shot Speed -45%
Haste 1 Atk. Spd. +15%
Haste 2 Atk. Spd. +33%
Haste Potion Speed +20
Hawk Eye 1 P.Def. -10%, Accuracy +6
Hawk Eye 2 P.Def. -10%, Accuracy +8
Hawk Eye 3 P.Def. -10%, Accuracy +10
Hawk Spirit Totem Only if a Fist weapon is equipped: Accuracy +6, Critical +100, Critical Damage +30%
Herb of Atk. Speed Atk. Spd. +33%
Herb of Casting Spd. Casting Spd. +30%
Herb of Critical Attack Critical +30%
Herb of Magic M.Atk. +75%
Herb of Speed Speed +33
Herb of Strength P.Atk. +15%
Heroic Berserker Accuracy +8, Evasion -8, P.Atk. +500, M.Atk. +500, P.Def. -25%, M.Def. -25, Atk. Speed +100, Casting Spd. +100, Speed +20, Cancel/Debuff resistance + ?, Heals are ?% more effective
Heroic Dread Speed +52% (this is a fear debuff)
Heroic Grandeur P.Def. -50%, M.Def. -50%, Evasion -16, Shield Block Rate - ?, Magic Resistance (?) + ?, Blocks all Physical and Magical effects (?)
Heroic Miracle P.Def. +5400, M.Def. +4050, Speed +5, Cancel resistance + ?, requires Shield to function
Heroic Valor P.Atk. +250, P.Def. +500, Cancel resistance + ?
Hex P.Def. -23%
Holy Resistance 1 Resistance to Holy attribute +15%
Holy Resistance 2 Resistance to Holy attribute +23%
Holy Resistance 3 Resistance to Holy attribute +30%
Holy Weapon Makes physical attacks Holy attribute
Hot Springs Cholera 1 Accuracy +3
Hot Springs Cholera 2 Accuracy +6, Evasion -3
Hot Springs Cholera 3 Accuracy +8, Evasion -3
Hot Springs Cholera 4 Accuracy +10, Evasion -3
Hot Springs Cholera 5 Accuracy +6, Evasion -5
Hot Springs Cholera 6-7 Evasion -5
Hot Springs Cholera 8-9 Evasion -8
Hot Springs Cholera 10 Evasion -10
Hot Springs Malaria 1 Casting Spd. +4%
Hot Springs Malaria 2 Casting Spd. +8%, MP Cost -4%
Hot Springs Malaria 3 Casting Spd. +12%, MP Cost -4%
Hot Springs Malaria 4 Casting Spd. +16%, MP Cost -4%
Hot Springs Malaria 5 Casting Spd. +8%, MP Cost -8%
Hot Springs Malaria 6-7 MP Cost -8%
Hot Springs Malaria 8-9 MP Cost -12%
Hot Springs Malaria 10 MP Cost -16%
Howl P.Atk. -23%
Ice Bolt 1+ Speed -30%
Ice Vortex Speed -30%, Atk. Spd. -10%, Casting Spd. -10%, MP Regen per tick -12, Resistance to Water attribute -20%, Resistance to Fire attribute + ?%
Infernal Weapon Makes physical attacks Fire attribute
Invigor 1 Resistance to Bleed attribute +30%
Invigor 2 Resistance to Bleed attribute +40%
Invigor 3 Resistance to Bleed attribute +50%
Invocation Cannot move or sit with this skill
Let me know if anyone reading this gets different numbers than what is listed here. It may be based on things like MEN, which would cause the actual regen to vary.
Invocation 1 P.Def. -90%, MP Regens 100 points per tick 8 times.
Invocation 2 P.Def. -90%, MP Regens ~109.7 points per tick 8 times.
Invocation 3+ P.Def. -90%, MP Regens + ? points per tick 8 times.
Iron Will 1 M.Def. +15%
Iron Will 2 M.Def. +23%
Iron Will 3 M.Def. +30%
Judgment 1-5 Critical Damage -25%
Judgment 6-9 Critical Damage -30%
Judgment 10 Critical Damage -35%
Kiss of Eva 1 Breath Guage +400%
Kiss of Eva 2 Breath Guage +600%
Light Vortex Accuracy -6, MP Regen per tick -12, Resistance to Holy attribute -30%
Lionheart 1 Resistance to Shock, Hold, Sleep, Paralyze attributes +40%, Cancel Resistance + ?
Lionheart 2 Resistance to Shock, Hold, Sleep, Paralyze attributes +60%, Cancel Resistance + ?
Lionheart 3 Resistance to Shock, Hold, Sleep, Paralyze attributes +80%, Cancel Resistance + ?
Magic Barrier 1 M.Def. +23%
Magic Barrier 2 M.Def. +30%
Magic Haste Potion Casting Spd. +23%
Magical Backfire Skill MP Consumption + ?
Magical Mirror Reflect magical debuffs at a 30% probability, physical at a 10% probability.
Magnus' Chant MP +20%, M.Atk +30%, M.Def +20%, Casting Speed +20%, MP Regen +50%, MP Consumption -20%, Resist Fire/Water/Earth/Wind +10%
Majesty 1 P.Def. +7%, Evasion -2
Majesty 2 P.Def. +11%, Evasion -4
Majesty 3 P.Def. +15%, Evasion -6
Mana Regeneration 1 MP Regen per tick +1.72
Mana Regeneration 2 MP Regen per tick +2.16
Mana Regeneration 3 MP Regen per tick +2.74
Mana Regeneration 4 MP Regen per tick +3.09
Mass Block Wind Walk Speed -10%
Mass Curse of Shade 1 P.Def. -6%, M.Def. -6%
Mass Curse of Shade 2 P.Def. -8%, M.Def. -8%
Mass Curse of Shade 3+ P.Def. -10%, M.Def. -10%
Mass Gloom M.Def. -23%
Mass Shield Block P.Def. -10%
Mass Slow 1+ Speed -45%
Mass Surrender to Fire Resistance to Fire attribute - ?, Resistance to Water attribute + ?%
Mass Surrender to Water Resistance to Water attribute - ?, Resistance to Fire attribute + ?%
Mass Surrender to Wind Resistance to Wind attribute - ?, Resistance to Earth attribute + ?%
Mental Shield 1 Resistance to Hold, Sleep, Derangement +50%
Mental Shield 2 Resistance to Hold, Sleep, Derangement +60%
Mental Shield 3 Resistance to Hold, Sleep, Derangement +70%
Mental Shield 4 Resistance to Hold, Sleep, Derangement +80%
Might 1 P.Atk. +8%
Might 2 P.Atk. +12%
Might 3 P.Atk. +15%
Mighty Servitor 1 P.Atk. +8%
Mighty Servitor 2 P.Atk. +12%
Mighty Servitor 3 P.Atk. +15%
Ogre Spirit Totem P.Def. +30%, M.Def. +30%, Evasion -9, Speed -30%
Pa'agrian Gift 1 P.Atk. +8%
Pa'agrian Gift 2 P.Atk. +12%
Pa'agrian Gift 3 P.Atk. +15%
Pa'agrian Haste 1 Speed +20
Pa'agrian Haste 2 Speed +33
Pa'agrio's Fist CP +800
Phantom Cubic P.Atk. -23% or P.Def. -23% or Atk. Spd. -23%
Physical Mirror Reflect physical debuffs at a 30% probabilitym magical at a 10% probability.
Potion of Alacrity Atk. Spd. +15%
Power Break 1-2 P.Atk. -20%
Power Break 3+ P.Atk. -23%
Prayer 1 Heal Power +8%
Prayer 2 Heal Power +10%
Prayer 3 Heal Power +12%
Prophecy of Fire HP +20%, HP regen per tick +20%, P.Atk. +10%, P.Def. +20%, Accuracy +4, Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. +20%, Debuff Resistance +10%
Prophecy of Water MP regen per tick +20%, M.Atk. +20%, M.Def. +20%, Speed -20%, Casting Spd. +20%, Magic Critical Rate +100%, Debuff Resistance +10%
Prophecy of Wind Accuracy +4, Evasion +4, Atk Speed +20%, Recover 5% of melee physical damage as HP, Critical +20% from behind, Critical Damage from behind +20%, Debuff Resistance +10%
Psycho Symphony 1-3 Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. -10%, Casting Spd. -10%
Psycho Symphony 4-5 Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. -15%, Casting Spd. -15%
Psycho Symphony 6-7 Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. -20%, Casting Spd. -20%
Psycho Symphony 8-9 Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. -25%, Casting Spd. -25%
Psycho Symphony 10 Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. -30%, Casting Spd. -30%
Puma Spirit Totem Only when Fists are equipped: Atk. Spd. +20%, Accuracy +6
Rabbit Spirit Totem P.Atk. -30%, Evasion +12, Speed +30%, Accuracy -9
Rage 1 Evasion -3, P.Def. -20%
With Sword/Blunt/Polearm: P.Atk. +45.2%
With 2hs/2hb: Accuracy +2, P.Atk. +55.36%
With other weapon: P.Atk. +20%
Rage 2 Evasion -3, P.Def. -20%
With Sword/Blunt/Polearm: P.Atk. +54.86%
With 2hs/2hb: Accuracy +4, P.Atk. +64.085%
With other weapon: P.Atk. +20%
Rage of Pa'agrio 1 P.Atk. +5%, M.Atk. +10%, P.Def. -5%, M.Def. -10%, Evasion -2, Speed +5, Atk. Spd +5%, Casting Spd. +5%
Rage of Pa'agrio 2 P.Atk. +8%, M.Atk. +16%, P.Def. -8%, M.Def. -16%, Evasion -4, Speed +8, Atk. Spd +8%, Casting Spd. +8%
Rapid Fire 1 P.Atk. +62, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range becomes 600, only works with a bow
Rapid Fire 2 P.Atk. +67, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range becomes 600, only works with a bow
Rapid Fire 3 P.Atk. +73, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range becomes 600, only works with a bow
Rapid Fire 4 P.Atk. +78, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range becomes 600, only works with a bow
Rapid Fire 5 P.Atk. +83, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range becomes 600, only works with a bow
Rapid Fire 6 P.Atk. +89, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range becomes 600, only works with a bow
Rapid Fire 7 P.Atk. +94, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range becomes 600, only works with a bow
Rapid Fire 8 P.Atk. +100, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range becomes 600, only works with a bow
Rapid Shot 1 Atk. Spd. with a bow +8%
Rapid Shot 2 Atk. Spd. with a bow +12%
Reflect Damage 1 Reflect 10% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Reflect Damage 2 Reflect 15% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Reflect Damage 3 Reflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Regeneration 1 HP regen per tick +10%
Regeneration 2 HP regen per tick +15%
Regeneration 3 HP regen per tick +20%
Resist Aqua 1 Resistance to Water attribute +15%
Resist Aqua 2 Resistance to Water attribute +23%
Resist Aqua 3 Resistance to Water attribute +30%
Resist Fire 1 Resistance to Fire attribute +15%
Resist Fire 2 Resistance to Fire attribute +23%
Resist Fire 3 Resistance to Fire attribute +30%
Resist Poison 1 Resistance to Poison attribute +30%
Resist Poison 2 Resistance to Poison attribute +40%
Resist Poison 3 Resistance to Poison attribute +50%
Resist Shock 1 Resistance to Shock attribute +15%
Resist Shock 2 Resistance to Shock attribute +20%
Resist Shock 3 Resistance to Shock attribute +30%
Resist Shock 4 Resistance to Shock attribute +40%
Resist Wind 1 Resistance to Wind attribute +15%
Resist Wind 2 Resistance to Wind attribute +23%
Resist Wind 3 Resistance to Wind attribute +30%
Sanctuary P.Atk. -23%
Sand Bomb 1-5 Accuracy -6
Sand Bomb 6-9 Accuracy -9
Sand Bomb 10 Accuracy -12
Seal of Chaos 1-2 Accuracy -6
Seal of Chaos 3+ Accuracy -8
Seal of Despair P.Atk. -10%, M.Def. -30%, Accuracy -6, Critical -30%, Critical Damage -30%, Speed -20%, Atk. Spd. -30%
Seal of Disease HP restored from heals -50%
Seal of Scourge 1+ HP regen per tick set to 0
Seal of Slow 1 Speed -30%
Seal of Slow 2+ Speed -45%
Seal of Suspension 1+ Reuse delay +200%
Seal of Winter Atk. Spd. -23%
Servitor Haste 1 Atk. Spd. +15%
Servitor Haste 2 Atk. Spd. +33%
Servitor Magic Shield 1 M.Def. +23%
Servitor Magic Shield 2 M.Def. +30%
Servitor Physical Shield 1 P.Def. +8%
Servitor Physical Shield 2 P.Def. +12%
Servitor Physical Shield 3 P.Def. +15%
Servitor Ultimate Defense 1 P.Def. +1800, M.Def. +1350, Speed 0
Servitor Ultimate Defense 2 P.Def. +3600, M.Def. +2700, Speed 0
Servitor Windwalk 1 Speed +20
Servitor Windwalk 2 Speed +33
Shield 1 P.Def. +8%
Shield 2 P.Def. +12%
Shield 3 P.Def. +15%
Shield Slam Physical skill silence
Shock Blast P.Def. -30%, M.Def. -30%
Slow 1 Speed -30%
Slow 2+ Speed -45%
Snipe 1 P.Atk. +124, Accuracy +1, Critical +20%, Range +300
Snipe 2 P.Atk. +134, Accuracy +3, Critical +20%, Range +300
Snipe 3 P.Atk. +145, Accuracy +4, Critical +20%, Range +300
Snipe 4 P.Atk. +155, Accuracy +4, Critical +20%, Range +300
Snipe 5 P.Atk. +166, Accuracy +5, Critical +20%, Range +300
Snipe 6 P.Atk. +177, Accuracy +5, Critical +20%, Range +300
Snipe 7 P.Atk. +188, Accuracy +6, Critical +20%, Range +300
Snipe 8 P.Atk. +199, Accuracy +6, Critical +20%, Range +300
Song of Champion Physical Skill Reuse Delay -30%, MP Cost -20%
Song of Earth P.Def. +25%
Song of Flame Guard Resistance to Fire attribute +30%
Song of Hunter Critical +100%
Song of Invocation Resistance to Darkness attribute +20%
Song of Life HP regen per tick +20%
Song of Meditation MP regen per tick +20%, MP Cost -10%
Song of Renewal Skill (all) Reuse Delay -30%, MP cost -5%
Song of Storm Guard Resistance to Wind attribute +30%
Song of Vengeance Reflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Song of Vitality HP +30%
Song of Warding M.Def. +30%
Song of Water Evasion +3
Song of Wind Speed +20
Soul of Pa'agrio M.Atk. +75%
Soul of Sagitarrius 1 MP +10%
Soul of Sagitarrius 2 MP +15%
Soul of Sagitarrius 3 MP +20%
Soul of Sagitarrius 4 MP +25%
Soul Shield 1 P.Def. +8%
Soul Shield 2 P.Def. +12%
Soul Shield 3 P.Def. +15%
Spirit Barrier 1 M.Def. +15%
Spirit Barrier 2 M.Def. +23%
Spirit Barrier 3 M.Def. +30%
Spirit of Sagittarius Physical Skill MP Cost - ?
Spoil (enchanted) Atk. Spd. -23%
Spoil Festival (enchanted) Atk. Spd. -23%
Sprint 1 Speed +20
Sprint 2 Speed +33
Stealth 1 P.Atk. -45%, P.Def. -45%, M.Def. -45%, Accuracy -12, Evasion -12
Stealth 2 P.Atk. -45%, P.Def. -30%, M.Def. -30%, Accuracy -12, Evasion -8
Stealth 3 P.Atk. -45%, P.Def. -15%, M.Def. -15%, Accuracy -12, Evasion -4
Surrender to Earth 1 Resistance against Earth attribute -25%, Resistance to Wind attribute + ?%
Surrender to Earth 2+ Resistance against Earth attribute -30%, Resistance to Wind attribute + ?%
Surrender to Fire 1-3 Resistance against Fire attribute -25%, Resistance to Water attribute + ?%
Surrender to Fire 4+ Resistance against Fire attribute -30%, Resistance to Water attribute + ?%
Surrender to Poison 1-3 Resistance against Poison attribute -25%
Surrender to Poison 4+ Resistance against Poison attribute -30%
Surrender to Water 1+ Resistance against Water attribute -30%, Resistance to Fire attribute + ?%
Surrender to Wind 1+ Resistance against Wind attribute -30%, Resistance to Earth attribute + ?%
Tact of Pa'agrio 1 Evasion +2
Tact of Pa'agrio 2 Evasion +3
Tact of Pa'agrio 3 Evasion +4
Thrill Fight 1 Speed -20%, Atk. Spd. +5%
Thrill Fight 2 Speed -20%, Atk. Spd. +10%
Tribunal 1-6 Critical -30%
Tribunal 7-9 Critical -40%
Tribunal 10 Critical -50%
Touch of Death Max CP -90%, Resist Debuffs -30%, Heals are 30% less effective
Touch of Life Cancel Resistance +60%Resist Debuffs 30%, Heals are 30% more effective
Ultimate Defense P.Def. +1800, M.Def. +1350, Speed 0, Cancel Resistance + ?
Ultimate Defense P.Def. +3600, M.Def. +2700, Speed 0, Cancel Resistance + ?
Ultimate Evasion 1 Evasion +20, Cancel Resistance + ?
Ultimate Evasion 2 Evasion +25, Cancel Resistance + ?
Under the Protection of Pa'agrio 1 Shield Block Rate +30%
Under the Protection of Pa'agrio 2 Shield Block Rate +40%
Under the Protection of Pa'agrio 3 Shield Block Rate +50%
Unholy Resistance 1 Resistance to Darkness attribute +15%
Unholy Resistance 2 Resistance to Darkness attribute +23%
Unholy Resistance 3 Resistance to Darkness attribute +30%
Vampiric Rage 1 Recover 6% of melee physical damage as HP
Vampiric Rage 2 Recover 7% of melee physical damage as HP
Vampiric Rage 3 Recover 8% of melee physical damage as HP
Vampiric Rage 4 Recover 9% of melee physical damage as HP
Vengeance P.Def. +5400, M.Def. +4050, Speed 0, Cancel Resistance + ?
Victories of Pa'agrio HP +20%, restores the HP added, Speed -20%, Accuracy +4, P.Def. +20%, P.Atk. +10%, M.Atk. +20%, Atk. Spd. +20%, Critical +20%, Critical Damage +20%, M.Def. +20%, Casting Spd. +20%, Debuff Resistance +20%
Vision of Pa'agrio 1 Accuracy +2
Vision of Pa'agrio 2 Accuracy +3
Vision of Pa'agrio 3 Accuracy +4
War Chant 1 P.Atk. +4%, does not stack with Greater Shield or Earth Chant.
War Chant 2 P.Atk. +7%, does not stack with Greater Shield or Earth Chant.
War Chant 3 P.Atk. +10%, does not stack with Greater Shield or Earth Chant.
War Cry 1 P.Atk. +20%
War Cry 2 P.Atk. +25%
Warrior Servitor HP +20%, P.Def. +20%, Accuracy +4, P.Atk. +10%, Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. +20%, HP added is healed, Debuff resistance +10%
Wild Defense Speed -90%, Atk. Speed -70%, P.Def. +400%, M.Def. +400%
Wild Magic 1 Magic Critical rate +200%
Wild Magic 2 Magic Critical rate +300%
Wind Shackle 1 Atk. Spd. -17%
Wind Shackle 2-5 Atk. Spd. -20%
Wind Shackle 6+ Atk. Spd. -23%
Wind Vortex Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. -10%, Casting Spd. -30%, MP Regen per tick -12, Resistance to Wind attribute -20%, Resistance to Earth attribute + ?%
Wind Walk 1 Speed +20
Wind Walk 2 Speed +33
Wisdom of Pa'agrio 1 Casting Spd. +15%
Wisdom of Pa'agrio 2 Casting Spd. +23%
Wisdom of Pa'agrio 3 Casting Spd. +30%
Wizard Servitor MP Regen per tick +20%, Speed -20%, M.Def. +20%, M.Atk. +20%, Casting Spd. +20%, Magic Critical Rate +100%, Debuff Resistance +10%
Wolf Spirit Totem Speed +20%, Accuracy +3
Wyvern Aegis P.Def. +7000, M.Def. +6000
Zealot 1 Speed +10, HP Restored from heals -50%
With Fist or any kind of Blunt:Atk. Spd. +10%, Accuracy +6, Critical Damage +33%
With Polearm or any kind of Sword:Critical +33, Atk. Spd. +10%, Accuracy +6
Zealot 2 Speed +20, HP Restored from heals -50%
With Fist or any kind of Blunt:Atk. Spd. +20%, Accuracy +6, Critical Damage +66%
With Polearm or any kind of Sword:Critical +66, Atk. Spd. +20%, Accuracy +6
Zealot 3 Speed +30, HP Restored from heals -50%
With Fist or any kind of Blunt:Atk. Spd. +30%, Accuracy +6, Critical Damage +100%
With Polearm or any kind of Sword:Critical +100, Atk. Spd. +30%, Accuracy +6
Damage Over Time (DOT)

Type Level Damage Per Tick
Aqua Cubic 1-3 77
Aqua Cubic 4-5 94
Aqua Cubic 6-7 108
Aqua Cubic 8-9 118
Arcane Chaos 1 24.0 (mp)
Aura Sink 1 4.5 (mp)
Aura Sink 2 5.5 (mp)
Aura Sink 3 7.5 (mp)
Aura Sink 4 8.5 (mp)
Aura Sink 5 10.5 (mp)
Aura Sink 6 11.5 (mp)
Blaze Quake, Frost Flame 1 44
Blaze Quake, Frost Flame 2 60
Bleed, Sting 1 13.5
Bleed, Sting 2 17.5
Bleed, Sting 3 22.5
Bleed, Sting 4 27.5
Bleed, Sting 5 31.5
Bleed, Sting 6 34.5
Chill Flame 1 20
Chill Flame 2 30
Corpse Plague 1 31.5
Corpse Plague 2 38.5
Corpse Plague 3 44.5
Corpse Plague 4 48.5
Dark Vortex 1 12.0 (mp)
Fire Vortex 1 12.0 (mp)
Freezing Shackle, Decay, Freezing Flame, Seal of Flame 1 77
Freezing Shackle, Decay, Freezing Flame, Seal of Flame 2 94
Freezing Shackle, Decay, Freezing Flame, Seal of Flame 3 108
Freezing Shackle, Decay, Freezing Flame, Seal of Flame 4 118
Ice Dagger 1-4 22.5
Ice Dagger 5-9 27.5
Ice Dagger 10-14 31.5
Ice Dagger 15+ 34.5
Ice Dagger ench 34.5
Ice Vortex 1 12.0 (mp)
Inferno 1 118
Light Vortex 1 12.0 (mp)
Poison 1 18.5
Poison 2 31.5
Poison 3 38.5
Poison 4 44.5
Poison 5 48.5
Poisonous Cloud, Curse Poison, Seal of Poison 1 18.5
Poisonous Cloud, Curse Poison, Seal of Poison 2 24.5
Poisonous Cloud, Curse Poison, Seal of Poison 3 31.5
Poisonous Cloud, Curse Poison, Seal of Poison 4 38.5
Poisonous Cloud, Curse Poison, Seal of Poison 5 44.5
Poisonous Cloud, Curse Poison, Seal of Poison 6 48.5
Poison Blade Dance 1 38.5
Poison Blade Dance 2 44.5
Poison Blade Dance 3 48.5
Seal of Gloom 3 7.5 (mp)
Seal of Gloom 4 8.5 (mp)
Seal of Gloom 5 10.5 (mp)
Seal of Gloom 6 12.5 (mp)
Spoil (enchanted) 1+ 118.5
Toxic Smoke 1 12.5
Toxic Smoke 2 18.5
Toxic Smoke 3 24.5
Toxic Smoke 4 31.5
Toxic Smoke 5 38.5
Toxic Smoke 6 44.5
Toxic Smoke 7-8 48.5
Toxic Smoke 9-10 50.5
Toxic Smoke 11-12 51.5
Venom 1 8.5
Venom 2 12.5
Venom 3 18.5
Venom 4 31.5
Venom 5 38.5
Wind Vortex 1 12.0 (mp)
Healing Over Time (HOT)

Type Level Heal Per Tick
Chant of Life 1 12
Chant of Life 2 15
Chant of Life 3 18
Chant of Life 4 23
Chant of Life 5 27
Chant of Life 6 31
Chant of Life 7 35
Chant of Life 8 39
Chant of Life 9 43
Chant of Life 10 45
Chant of Life 11 46
Chant of Life 12 48
Chant of Life 13 50
Chant of Life 14 52
Chant of Life 15 53
Chant of Life 16 55
Chant of Life 17 56
Chant of Life 18 58
Chant of Life (ench) +1-2 58
Chant of Life (ench) +3-6 59
Chant of Life (ench) +7-9 60
Chant of Life (ench) +10-13 61
Chant of Life (ench) +14-17 62
Chant of Life (ench) +18-20 63
Chant of Life (ench) +21-24 64
Chant of Life (ench) +25-27 65
Chant of Life (ench) +28-30 66
Greater Healing Potion - 50.3
Healing Potion - 24.3
Heart of Pa'agrio 1 31
Heart of Pa'agrio 2 35
Heart of Pa'agrio 3 39
Heart of Pa'agrio 4 43
Heart of Pa'agrio 5 45
Heart of Pa'agrio 6 46
Heart of Pa'agrio 7 48
Heart of Pa'agrio 8 50
Heart of Pa'agrio 9 52
Heart of Pa'agrio 10 53
Heart of Pa'agrio 11 55
Heart of Pa'agrio 12 56
Heart of Pa'agrio 13 58
Heart of Pa'agrio (ench) +1-2 58
Heart of Pa'agrio (ench) +3-6 59
Heart of Pa'agrio (ench) +7-9 60
Heart of Pa'agrio (ench) +10-13 61
Heart of Pa'agrio (ench) +14-17 62
Heart of Pa'agrio (ench) +18-20 63
Heart of Pa'agrio (ench) +21-24 64
Heart of Pa'agrio (ench) +25-27 65
Heart of Pa'agrio (ench) +28-30 66
Lesser Healing Potion - 8.3

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